XLX Multiprotocol Gateway Reflector
   XLX867 v2.5.3 - Dashboard v2.5.2 K1DED - NH Geeks Multiprotocol reflector / Module C linked to the 146.610 repeater in Pembroke, NH  /  Service uptime: 90 days 02:11:09
XLX867 Module C linked to 146.610 in Pembroke,NH. Repeater users can use 00 for module C , Hotpsot users will need to use module C to access the 146.610 repeater
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News and updates
XLX 867 News
XLX867 is now multimode on all modules.
*** 08/14/2023 We now have DG-ID 00 from the repeater going out to the XLX-867 on module C, Repeater users no longer have to use DG-ID 12 using 00 will work, XLX-867 users still need to user module C
07/01/2023 -XLX867 is now linked to the 146.610 repeater in Pemboke,NH. Digital users, use DG-ID 12 module C. The repeater is capable of C4FM and FM. Please respect FM users and C4FM users. FM users - If you hear digital communications, Please wait for them to finish before using FM. Digital users be aware of FM users. For Digital users WIRESX is available on the 146.610 using Module C

Current to do list.

we are working on making DG-ID 00 go through the XLX867,This will avoid digital users having to use DG-ID 12 08/06/23 Upate: Apears in testing we were able to get DG-ID 00 working. At this time continue to use DG-ID 12
We have 2 other repeaters that we will be linking in the future to the 146.610. The 442.000 located by the Manchester, NH airport and another 440 repeater we are using for testing at this time. The 442.000 is looking for a new home. We must move it by early 2024 to a new location.

Finalizing the web site and XLX867 reflector. https://www.xlx867.windgust.com


We have many ideas we want to incorporate. Getting the current list done will allow to work on new ideas.

Do you want to help ? Can you do PHP/HTML good with Linux? contact us if you feel you would like to help with anything needed. Email us

KB1OSY@gmail.com  or K1DED@comcast.net 

last update 08/12/223
